Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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Vision, Mission & Activities

Vision & Mission



  • The use of information technology to establish good governance and knowledge-based economy.


  • The best use of information technology for ensuring infrastructure development, skilled human resource, employment creation and establishment of e-services as well as good governance.


Strategic Objectives:

  • 1. Create high bandwidth network with e-Communication up to grass root level.
  • 2. Create appropriate ICT infrastructure to disseminate information technology service throughout the country.
  • 3. Coordination of ICT activities among public and private sector.
  • 4. Sustainable maintenance of infrastructure for seamless service of ICT.
  • 5. Create ICT service for creating skilled ICT professional in the government level.
  • 6. Capacity development of ICT human resources to meet the challenges of the fast changing technology.
  • 7. Disseminate ICT knowledge to all levels of government and public.
  • 8. Formulate ICT related rules, regulations, policy, procedures and standards.
  • 9. Standardization and maintain interoperability of ICT services and equipments.
  • 10. Provide support for research, development and adopt modern technology.



  • 1. Provide technical assistance for the implementation of e-governance activities in government departments;
  • 2. Ensuring and coordinating the use and application of ICT at all levels of government;
  • 3. Assist, maintain and support the creation of appropriate ICT infrastructure in all departments up to the field level;
  • 4. Transfer of technical and specialized knowledge of information technology at all levels;
  • 5. Formulation and implementation of policies to improve the equity of IT related manpower;
  • 6. Initiatives to provide services to the people electronically up to the grassroots level;
  • 7. Ensuring ICT related equipment, software, connectivity, standards and interoperability;
  • 8. Provide research, development and support for modern technology assimilation at all levels;
  • 9. Supporting ICT education and building a digital Bangladesh;
  • 10. Assist in business development in IT sector by identifying obstacles and challenges in business development in IT sector;
  • 11. Human resource development through ICT training;
  • 12. Assistance in the use and maintenance of computer equipment at the field level, especially in computer labs set up in educational institutions and other government institutions;
  • 13. Provide technical support for the maintenance and upkeep of web portals and networks in all government departments at the field level; And
  • 14. Assist in providing, storing, updating and maintaining web portals in the digital centers already established at the district / upazila / union level;